DMH Returns to the Ice January 31st!, News (Douro Minor Hockey)

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Jan 25, 2022 | Patrick | 747 views
DMH Returns to the Ice January 31st!
Well, we’ve heard from the township and we can head back to the ice beginning the 31st!! 

We still have yet to receive direction from the OMHA, however both the LEO and EOMHL is preparing our return to play plans behind the scenes making sure we are ready to go when we get the official green light.

In the meantime we will begin with practices following the township’s protocols:
-Players will be permitted in 30min prior to ice time. 
-The arena will allow 50% capacity, meaning two spectators per player.
-Every person 12yrs and up entering the arena must provide their vaccine QRL code for verification. We cannot accept any other proof of vaccine. Unfortunately you will be denied entry. Please tell Grandparents as well.
Get your QRL (enhanced vaccine) here:
Check your email regularly for team specific updates.
Practice times moving forward will be as follows:
Monday 5:30 U9 shared
Monday 6:30 U15 Leo
Tuesday 5:30 U8 shared
Tuesday 6:30 U18 rep
Wedneday 6:00 U13
Thursday 6:00 U11 (Leo 1 and rep next week)
Thursday 7:00 U11 (Leo 2)
Thursday 8:00 U15 rep
U5/U7 groups will continue to have weekend ice, we will be working on these schedules in the coming days.(check website for update)
Thanks everyone! Look forward to seeing our Dukes back on the ice!
Kawarth Embroidery
Locally Owned - Locally Stitched Corporate Apparel - Team Uniforms - Custom Gifts Holly O`Brien, Owner 705-652-6565 [email protected]