Hockey Updates, News (Douro Minor Hockey)

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Aug 20, 2022 | Patrick | 701 views
Hockey Updates
A few updates ahead of the season.

Just a reminder that registration fees are all due prior to September 1st.

The executive will have a schedule out in the coming weeks with ice times to kick off the season. U-15 and U-18 tryouts will be happening over the first two weeks after back to school, we are ironing out details to offer a body contact clinic ran by CHE to these age groups.

With the new OMHA season structure U-11 and U-13 tryouts can not happen until September 24th but these age groups will be hitting the ice for some skills/drills and pre-skates prior to that date.

Our AGM was postponed from the storm in May and will be held on September 8th, please mark down the date and be sure to attend.

The executive is very excited to be holding an in person kick off day for the first time since 2019! It will be held September 24th, please watch for details!

See everyone in September,
DMH Executive

Kawarth Embroidery
Locally Owned - Locally Stitched Corporate Apparel - Team Uniforms - Custom Gifts Holly O`Brien, Owner 705-652-6565 [email protected]